Friday, December 09, 2005

So As Not to "Let Everyone Down Again"

So I know this is a really weak post, but I figured I would post something--ANYTHING, so you girls would stop harrassing me about the lack of Depeche Mode content. (It's in the works, I swear!)

I had a dream last night that all my teeth fell out. You can only imagine how relieved I was when I woke up and found out I had only lost one.

Just kidding. I have all my chompers! Fooled you!

Again, I know this post is weak--but DON'T YOU JUDGE ME!

Posts to come:

"The Oscillating Heater"

"Strange Dreams, Part II"

"Why I Disapprove of the Guys My Sister Dates, Part II" (Nick, this one is ALL YOU baby!)

"The Best Meat is in the Rump"

"If Only I Were Still a Smoker"

"Yes, I Work at a Place Called "Eddy's""



At 12/09/2005 9:11 AM, Blogger Moonery said...

You think that dream was bad??? I had a dream Nichole's art professor was drilling holes in the students heads. She came to get Nichole, I shot her twenty times and she wouldn't die. Then she wanted to get me too, for shooting her twenty times. (Some people are SO touchy) Anyway, I finally scooped her up and threw her over a cliff, she landed on a road, got hit by several cars, and STILL WOULDN'T was TERRIFYING. Why do I have such scary dreams? I don't even own a gun...and Nichole doesn't even have an art professor.
I would love to know what this dream meant.

At 12/09/2005 3:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You two are KILLING ME!!!

At 12/12/2005 9:15 AM, Blogger Moonery said...

Redondobob rules!!!!

At 12/13/2005 11:33 AM, Blogger jez said...

Ha! This was worth it today! What is up with weird-o dreams the past week or so???


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