Monday, May 01, 2006

Politically Sic

Today I did something incredibly stupid. I got involved in a conversation about illegal immigration with someone of Mexican heritage; a conversation about illegal immigration with someone of Mexican heritage—via chat. A conversation about illegal immigration with someone of Mexican heritage, via chat, with that person also being borderline genius (if not genius). Very stupid, indeed. Although a blog about this incident would be a delight to many of my (three) readers—I will abstain from the painful details. Let’s just say I almost lost a muse and made myself look like a complete bigot ass-face. I looked like a fool. Those were not my intentions at all. You know what they say though, the road to hell…Anyway, let that be a lesson to you all:

“Never get into emotionally charged political conversations on the internet—or off of the internet for that matter.”

To correct the situation, I say:

"Si se puede!"

There. Now everything is better. On to issues more important than immigration reform, like oral hygiene.

The other night as I kissed Anthony good-night, my lips were lingering over his ready to plant one on him, and I caught a whiff of something disturbing. My nose recoiled in horror! What was that smell? I knew what that smell was. It was the smell of someone who hasn’t brushed their teeth since the morning, and in the meantime ate something dead that had onions or garlic on it, and then rinsed repeatedly with something sweet and sugary. It was ill. So gently, so as not to shatter his fragile ego, I said, “Honey, did you brush your teeth yet? They smell like corpse.” Anthony, of course, got defensive.

“You’re the one with the bad breath,” he skulked.

I told him that although my breath may not be pleasant, it sure as heck doesn’t smell like I’ve been chewing on a piece of pooh.

“It smells like I’ve been chewing on pooh, huh? How could I chew on pooh? It’s not like pooh is something you can just sit there and gnaw on. It would be more likely that I was eating pooh, not chewing on it.”

Once again, I was put in my place. Rendered retarded, if you will. I think it’s my lack of a college degree or something, but I keep setting myself up to look foolish. Or, I could look on the bright side and be happy about the fact that I am surrounded by those who are of superior intelligence. I guess I need to finish my education before going into debates about immigration—or matters of consuming pooh.

End of Transmission.


At 5/01/2006 5:46 PM, Blogger kwpershey said...

laughing... out loud. for reals.

At 5/02/2006 12:39 PM, Blogger Moonery said...

HAR!!! You wrote "pooh."

At 5/03/2006 9:58 AM, Blogger jez said...

Ha! I don't know which is funnier - you stirring the Pot with your old crony or the bad breath story - either way you had a very, very active day. HA!

At 5/03/2006 12:20 PM, Blogger Moonery said...

I like where you wrote "my nose recoiled in horror." I can totally picture your nose making such a gesture...

At 5/04/2006 6:15 PM, Blogger Charisee310 said...

I like the gentle suggestion that his mouth smelled like a corpse. I have read this several times and I laugh every time. I woke up this morning with last nights BBQ corpse breath myself.


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