Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Get Your Kicks

I wanted to take a road trip with Anthony while the boys were in Utah, but this isn’t the way I imagined it.

Sadly, Anthony’s Grandma Tilly (cute name, I know) died on Monday and we are heading to Albuquerque, New Mexico tonight (Route 66, anyone?). Actually, we are going to stay in glorious Flagstaff, AZ tonight and finish the trip Thursday. Our goal is to get there in time for the rosary Thursday night, with the funeral services planned for Friday.

I only met Tilly once, and it was at our wedding (I just almost wrote “funeral” instead of “wedding”, Freudian slip? Har! ). She was very sweet, yet full of pepper. I can’t help but fully adore any grandmother who uses the words like “shit” and “ass” in front of her entire family. That’s the type of grandma I aspire to be, and I feel I’m well on my way! I think the closest one of my Grandmas came to that was when she said “damn” in church. That may just be a rumor though, a rumor I intend to keep spreading.

Grandma Tilly gave us a nice, new rotisserie oven for our wedding. Because of its size, and the lack of space in our kitchen we were never able to take it out of the box. Anthony and I would joke about how the boxed rotisserie remained in our coat closet for over a year, and what his Grandma would do if she found out. When she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, Anthony said, “Well, now she won’t even remember giving it to us.” Thanks for always looking on the bright side, honey. When we moved, we gave the rotisserie to our neighbors who were very gracious about it—“Yeah, we can make grilled cheese sandwiches!” they said. After Grandma Tilly died, Anthony brought up the possibility that the rotisserie could be a haunted rotisserie now.

I would like to see a haunted rotisserie. Maybe I should call my neighbors and pay them a visit.

Time to pack…

Tilly, you were loved by many and will be missed by many.


At 7/28/2005 8:16 AM, Blogger jez said...

Good luckie with the trip - sounds like "Tilly" was a memorable character. I think you guys had a little connection. xoxo

At 7/28/2005 9:25 AM, Blogger Moonery said...

I saw a haunted rotisserie's dark stain on my soul has forced me to entirely omit chicken from my diet. Now let's never speak of this again...


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