Wednesday, July 05, 2006

"So, I've decided to take my work back underground- to keep it from falling into the wrong hands."

I'm done blogging. I'm too afraid that the FBI is archiving all my blogs, just waiting for the moment when I seize power as the Governor of California--then BAM! I will be indicted on lewdness charges for using the phrase "saggy jowls" one too many times.

Saggy jowls, saggy jowls, saggy jowls. Saggy jowls, saggy jowls, saggy jowls. Saggy jowls, saggy jowls, saggy jowls. Saggy jowls, saggy jowls, saggy jowls. Saggy jowls, saggy jowls, saggy jowls. Saggy jowls, saggy jowls, saggy jowls. Saggy jowls, saggy jowls, saggy jowls. Saggy jowls. Saggy.

Not really. I've been out of town dropping the kids off with their Utah Manny--aka: The Ex--that's why I haven't written for a few days. Sillies! I have much catching up to do, but for now, the following will have to suffice:

*Katherine is back in the office, I can't wait until she wears her pretty seafoam colored shoes again! Yeah for seafoam!
*I recently, in the past 10 minutes (6:55 P.M. PST), ate too many Twizzler Nibs ® and now I am sick to my tummy.
*I went on a hike alone and almost got eaten, I mean bit, by a large snake with colossal fangs!
*I bought expensive cheese today--why? Because there are no kids with me at the store to say, "That looks gross," while turning up their Velveeta® jaded noses at me.
*I miss the boys so much already I've concocted an elaborate kidnapping scheme to get them back home sooner than expected. I won't tell you the scheme just yet--but I will tell you it involves dairy cows and a large vat of mayonnaise.

That is all for now. Stay tuned all you wonderful summertime viewers! As Karen Carpenter would say (R.I.P), "We've only just begun."


At 7/05/2006 7:09 PM, Blogger Charisee310 said...

If you need help in your plot to lure the boys back soon... I know a thing about luring boys! They like cheese.... yes indeed they do!!! Especially if you run over it. Velveeta is probably well-suited for running over. I will need to do a few tests.... it will require an additional grant advance....

At 7/05/2006 9:09 PM, Blogger Porter said...

Hooray for jowels and pron!

At 7/06/2006 9:29 AM, Blogger jez said...

I'm glad the snake didn't eat you. Let's find it and bludgeon it for scaring you.

At 7/07/2006 1:46 PM, Blogger Moonery said...

I do love a good snake bludgeoning! I'll grab the whiffle bats!


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