Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Should I?

It is quite frequent that we, as human beings, are faced with decision making--hell, I would have to say that we are faced with decisions everyday. That is, unless you are on life support and have already signed the DNR...then you are pretty much in a situation that you don't have to make ANY MORE DECISIONS you lucky ass vegetable.

Some decisions are incredibly important, such as: Should we convict the alleged child molester, or let him moonwalk back to his home at Neverland Ranch so the world will not fall off its axis? (P.S. I think the jury members were a bunch of effing TOOLS)

Some are simple, such as: Regular or Slender?

One decision I have recently been faced with is: Should I continue to visit the Winchell's on PCH (Pacific Coast Highway for all those Non-Calis)?

I know what you're thinking, easy answer:Donuts=Yes! If only it were that simple. The following factors/events have forced me to make a decision in this trivial, yet potentially life-saving choice:

*They only have Mocha Mix as a creamer for the coffee. I might as well squirt a shot of mother's milk into my simple morning roast, bleh!
*Of all the times I've visited the Winchell's on PCH, I've yet to see another caucasian woman (or man for that matter)in the store, outside of the store, or anywhere in the near vicinity--am I being naive?
*Instead of Jamie and Danny in the Morning playing on the radio it's, God have mercy, RADIO LOBO! I don't even know what "lobo" means.
*There is a makeshift memorial outside said donut shop in memory of a recent gang shooting
*There is a Taco Bell right next door where I've seen people eating--AT SEVEN O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING! Anyone who eats Mexican fast-food that early in the morning must or had damn well better be on crack

In spite of the above listed issues I have with the Winchell's on PCH, I ended up there on Monday, blonde-haired,blue-eyed, and white assed. What will it take for me to finally take a stand and make a decision? I should stop, there are plenty of other shady donut shops for me to partake of--why this one? I think it's because of their tasty blueberry muffins, muffins only the gentle hands of a migrant worker could make. God Bless America--pass the muffins.


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