Friday, August 05, 2005

A List Por Vous

Nothing really exciting happened today. Well, that is, nothing hilariously funny and scary happened today. But, for the sake of moving my last post (the one about the man-wiener zit) further down on your internet browser, I needed to post something. One of the golden rules of internet blogging (OMG, the word “blogging” just got rejected by my spell check—Bill Gates has got some catching up to do!) seems to be—

When You Aren’t Feeling the Creative Juices Flowing, Write a List!

So, here’s a sappy little list I felt like writing:

Things I Missed About Cody and Colton When They Were Being Wild and Carefree Rednecks in Utah

1. Having a sense of purpose beyond “tidying” the house and going to the gym.
2. Making sandwiches out of .65 cent wafer meat and getting compliments like, “These are the best sandwiches ever!” and “Mom’s secret sandwiches are so yummy!”
3. I have to sit outside in the beautiful sunshine all day and watch the boys ride bikes to make sure they’re safe.
4. I realize, once again, that I may not be as young and as hot as some of the teenage girls at the beach, but I am much younger and hotter than most of the moms on the block.
5. I get big hugs and sweet little kisses several times a day, even while Anthony is at work!
6. I have an excuse to buy sugary cereal, popsicles, and chips every time I go to the grocery store.
7. I am continually reminded that, even though I’ve screwed up on a bunch of things in the past, I definitely did something right by having them.
8. When I sit down to relax, I REALLY sit down to relax.
9. Tucking them into their cozy beds at night.
10. Being able to use their cute little phone voices to manipulate my family into coming to visit me in California. Yes Nick, that was my agenda.
11. The daily First Aide refresher courses. Refresher One: Superglue © will close that gash in your son or daughter’s head.
12. CODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13. COLTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14. And a million, bazillion more reasons……………..

Happy Friday Everyone! And to all a good night!


At 8/06/2005 2:11 PM, Blogger jez said...

I knew you had an agenda having the little pumpkin heads call me. And it WORKS - like kryptonite...ALWAYS. I am a weak Auntie. It made my day. :) Manipulate away.


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