Wednesday, March 22, 2006


This blog has nothing to do with the title. I just wanted to use that as the title today because it’s Wednesday and I’m feeling reckless. Reckless like a fox in a wood-paneled stationwagon. What do Wednesday and recklessness and stationwagons have to do with one another? Can’t say that I have an answer to that question.

So I’m basically writing this blog because I have blog OCD and I, like many others I know, cannot stand looking at a blog and seeing the same post sitting there, rotting away for days and days. It infuriates me. I hate rotten blogs. Oh my goodness, “rotten blogs”, that just made me laugh! NO MORE ROTTEN BLOGS!

I’ve been having a blog subject block lately, seems that every time I come up with something witty or clever to write about it’s while I’m lying in bed at night trying to fall asleep. I tell myself while I’m lying there thinking, “This is gold. Definite blog material, must not forget while I sleep. Must not forget…must...not….zzzzzzzzzzzz.” Then I wake up in the morning and I’m back to square one. It’s not that my life isn’t interesting, it is! I had a lady come to the Church the other day and speak with me regarding one of our members who was cremating a little girl over and over again. She wasn’t sure if she was cremating her with prescription medication or with real fire—but the girl wanted it to stop. Did I mention that the girl she was describing was “invisible”? Yes, my life can definitely be interesting.

Cody and Colton keep life interesting. Lately they have been interacting with each other like a pair of feuding schizophrenics. One moment they are best buddies—laughing and sharing their goals and aspirations for life with each another. When that mode is over, they are like Cane and Able. No, Cane and Cane. They switch from trading baseball cards to beating each other with baseball bats in the blink of an eye. (I really don’t let them beat each other with baseball bats, only whiffle ball bats are allowed in the house). Since I only used my fingernails as a weapon when I was a child (and books thrown from the top bunk), I don’t relate to these boys on any level when it comes to their primal instinct to fight for video game territory. Could somebody give me some insight on raising Cane? Because most of the time I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing.

Anyway, that’s it for now. Just wanted to keep it fresh—so fresh and so clean, clean.


At 3/22/2006 3:43 PM, Blogger Moonery said...

Fresh and clean indeed! Like a sweet smelling pile of warm laundry, fresh from the dryer.
By the way, I too am cursed with brilliant thoughts when I'm too tired to do anything about it. By morning, I'm as dim as a drooling dunce sitting in the corner of an old fashioned schoolhouse.

At 3/22/2006 5:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shenanigans! Lordy! I can't believe you just said (typed) the word shenanigans! Do you have any idea how lucky you're going to get tonight for that?

Not very.

Just kidding, that was great--you are on fire, you are!

At 3/22/2006 6:14 PM, Blogger jez said...

Oh, that "Cane and Cane" kills me. Do you remember when we used to brawl? The flying books and nails...ahh

At 3/22/2006 6:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How could I forget? I still have scars..

At 3/22/2006 10:15 PM, Blogger Charisee310 said...

You guys... ahem gals.... are just pre-school. Back in my days we dueled (me, eric, kurt... ) with books, bricks, brooms, hampster dung, and diapers. Until you have had a wet, filthy diaper slapped upside your head and wrap itself completely around your noggin.... I don't want to hear of your trials...

At 3/22/2006 10:17 PM, Blogger Charisee310 said...

Speaking of trials... I am still in Maui... tipsy on wine and trapped with Dino in audio land waiting for Kenny Loggins to take the stage. Yes... Maui has it's price. And now it begins...


At 3/23/2006 1:11 PM, Blogger jez said...

Kenny freakin' Loggins. Isn't he the guy with the famous fried chicken?

At 3/24/2006 9:48 AM, Blogger Moonery said...

OH my gosh! Redondobob, you totally pointed out something I had forgotten! I wrote that bio in my pre-idol days!! I take it back, I take it back a thousand times with a cherry on top! Ace, will you ever forgive me?????

At 3/24/2006 9:49 AM, Blogger Moonery said...

PS-Nichole, Kenny Loggins is not affiliated with chicken. That is Kenny Rogers you're thinking of.

At 3/24/2006 1:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Kenny Loggins is only affiliated with crappy music you hear while you're sitting in the dentist chair waiting for the novicane to kick in...


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