Friday, March 17, 2006

90s Throwback

The other day, I found myself reminiscing/describing the 90s Grunge movement to Cody and Colton. I told them about some of the outfits I would wear (babydoll dresses and Michele's combat boots, knee highs and Doc Martins, ripped jeans and flannels) and the music I would listen to "when I was in Junior High/High School". It was funny, I felt like some hippie throwback reminiscing the good old days. I'm not old enough to be remembering the "good ol' days" yet, am I?

This afternoon I found some radio station on iTunes that plays only 90s alternative rock. So I've been rocking out and reliving the following: sluffing school and smoking pot at "Rusty's" house, driving around in various Jeep Wranglers with various older/cooler guys by the names of "Gabe" and "Steve" and "Rueben" and "Dave". Back in the 90s I got in a lot of trouble with my friend Cally, but that's another, longer blog.

What I'm getting at is, what were some of your favorite bands of the 90s? I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours....

(in no particular order)

Alice in Chains
Rage Against the Machine
Nine Inch Nails
The Cure
Depeche Mode
The Cranberries
Simple Minds
Tori Amos

...long live military fatigues and babydoll dresses!


At 3/17/2006 2:58 PM, Blogger Charisee310 said...

Whoa there little mistaken sis.... I do believe that you have illegally claimed some of those bands in the name of the 90's when they are the good ole clean hard-workin product of the 80's!

Also.... if you are feeling morbid... here is a list of now dead musicians!

At 3/17/2006 3:09 PM, Blogger Charisee310 said...

Ok.... here are some of my favorite 80's bands (since we ARE talking about our own highschool glory days...)

Motley Cru
Pet Shop Boys
Johnny Hates Jazz
Dead or Alive (by the way ... you have to look up Peter Burns online..... WHAT A FREEEEEEEEAK!!!)
Billy Idol
Duran Duran

At 3/17/2006 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

True, I guess a few were products of the 80s--but they also were very H-O-T in the 90s.

At 3/18/2006 4:50 PM, Blogger jez said...

Aaahh! I miss the old man pants and the little boy shirts that you had to practically cut yourself out of. You know you had a cool pair if there was a wallet or tobacco spot worn into the but. That was very important.

Bands eh? Here are mine:

Screaming Trees
Alice in Chains
Cradle of Thorns
Machines of Loving Grace
My bloody Valentine
The Cure
The Sundays
Beck (still good)
Oingo Boingo
Mother Love Bone
Mad Season
Lord's of Acid
My Life with the Thrill Kill Cult
Nirvana (can't leave them out)

There's a smattering of industrial in there...

At 3/18/2006 5:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes! What about:

Sister Machine Gun
Smashing Pun'kins (har)
The Cult

I say we bring back the tiny tees and old man pants...that was a hot look. No kidding here...

At 3/20/2006 9:35 AM, Blogger Moonery said...

A medley of music I listened to in the 90s (some may be from 80s as well, but the point is that I listened to them in jr.high and hs)

Mazzy Star
No Doubt
Sisters of Mercy
Suicide Machines

I hanging out in dimly lit basements (our own and Mary's mostly) listening to tunes, eating chips and drinking Mt. Dew. I miss watching movies like Sixteen Candles with a bag of juju hearts or gummy raspberries fromt he bulk food section of Kohler's. I miss getting together with girlfriends and "hpynotizing" each other.
Ah, the world for a time machine!


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