Sunday, March 12, 2006

Why Motherhussy?

I’ve been known to steal clever sayings and phrases from others. It’s just something I do. For example, one of my first phrase snatches was from my old elementary school friend, Nichole Hobbs. Nichole was the first friend to really encourage my passion for alternative music. I still remember wearing one of her Jane’s Addiction t-shirts in the fifth grade and my mother almost having a heart attack. I don’t know if any of you are Jane’s Addiction fans, but this t-shirt had Perry Ferrell on the front all gussied up in some type of corset, looking ever so angelic. I don’t know where in the hell Nichole is, or how she ended up—I imagine that she is doing something fabulously dark with art or fashion, but she may just be another West Valley burn-out too. Who knows? All I know is that I stole one of her phrases. Well, it wasn’t really a phrase—more of an exclamation. It was, “BLARS!” Incredible word, really. It doesn’t have an exact meaning, therefore the word is left open for all sorts of interpretation—just what a fifth-grader needs. Something to exclaim that would put the point across, yet not get them sent to detention. “BLARS!” was great, timeless. I still use it to this day, believe it or not.

Some other famous word/phrase thefts:

Vanilla pudding
What’s a bisque?

In casual conversation, I use all of the above words/phrases on a regular basis for multiple meanings. The most recent acquisition to my word-vault is:


I stole it from Nichole and I loved it so much that I’m going to proclaim myself “Queen of the Motherhussies!” What exactly is a motherhussy, you ask? Well, of course it’s a combination of the word “mother” and “hussy”. But the meaning goes much deeper than that. It’s the definition of a mother who didn’t get her start the “traditional” way. Meaning, a mother that got knocked up out of wedlock and didn’t “off” her child. Yes, I was one of “those” moms—young, dumb, clueless. I’m still like that in a lot of ways, but, I’m still a pretty damn good mother (at least at this moment I am—give me five minutes). A motherhussy doesn’t quite fit the traditional mold of mother. She changes diapers, feeds kids, cleans house and helps with homework. But she aspires for more. She aspires to start her own line of religious abstract fridge magnets, maintain the body of a 20-year old, and not compromise to a life consisting only of “what the kids want.” She loves her children, but she doesn’t lose the love of herself. She’s also a total slut. Just kidding, just checking to see if you were paying attention.

The point in all my rambling is really nothing. A motherhussy is me, it’s you, and it’s your crazy Aunt Lois that still smokes, drinks martinis, and drops the f-bomb at family gatherings. Seriously though, I could go on and on, but I think I just like the word. Therefore, get use to me using it—over, and over, and over again.

PS. I’m the only motherhussy in my family right now, but I am pleased to say that in a few months, Nichole will be the newest motherhussy! Yeahhhh!


At 3/13/2006 9:03 AM, Blogger Moonery said...

I remember wearing a Depeche Mode shirt of Nichole Hobb's that made Mom pretty upset as well. Blars is a word I still use today! Here are some more you left off...

Graurnt!! (Stolen from baby Colton)
BopDunaDune! (Stolen from baby Cody)
Head Face (Stolen from Kallie Soreneson maybe?)

I love words.

At 3/13/2006 9:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh, Headface. That's a classic. Remember when I added "ass" to everything? Those were the days.

At 3/13/2006 10:18 AM, Blogger Moonery said...

Yes, that was so funny. When I went through my fleeting "cursing" phase I enjoyed adding a*s to words as well. It made everything sound comical.

At 3/13/2006 10:19 AM, Blogger jez said...

What about "Judas!!!" I love that one!!!
The new phrase "Norman" (coined for Suzy)
MehMoo (Interpretation=Music coined by the twinners)
And the infamous Snort - it's so distinct you can't really describe it...but still to this day will make me laugh

Seriously - we need to start a dictionary. That doesn't include the nicknames we have for people.

"The Useless Vine"
"Baby Huey"
"Park City Dave"
"Junky Gestures"

At 3/13/2006 2:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, what about:

"Silky" and "Guido"

good stuff.

At 3/14/2006 11:35 AM, Blogger jez said...

Or "Shady"

I still use that one.


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