Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Blog Stew

Obviously I've been out of the bloop lately, so I want to present to you all a quick casserole of what's been going on in my life--get you up to speed so I can get back in the regular groove of day to day postings. I'm going to go in order from present to past:

*I'm sitting at the computer. They boys are working on their projects for the FIRST DAY OF FOURTH GRADE tomorrow...guess what book they read for the subject of their project? I'll give you a limited edition bottle of my own home-distilled absinthe if you can guess correctly. [Please submit guesses in comments section of this blog]

*I sat at work for too many hours. I think my butt my be turning from a circle to a square. I do squats while I brush my teeth, I think that may help counter the square-butt situation.

*I spent the weekend in a baby opium den. Me, Michele, Suzy, and Nichole laid around Nichole's house taking deep drags off of Teague for hours until we passed out. One night, I tweeked on Teague so hard that I passed out at about 2 a.m. I still feel the sweet hangover only an infant can give. I'm craving more, more, more! [picture Motherhussy twitching and looking around nervously for her next baby hit]

*Obviously, Cody and Colton returned from their lives of redneckedness to their lives of beaching and hummus. I had to re-teach the boys their grammar. Colton came home saying, "You know what? I really like them Mustang GTs." Fingernails on a chalkboard would have been sweet, sweet music compared to that grammatical bullshit. Now, I'm no grammar rodeo queen, but even I know "them Mustang GTs" is incorrect grammar. Incorrect on so many levels.

*I got a new job working for the City of Snoop Dogg (Long Beach, CA). I quit my favorite job working for my favorite Pastor that works for GOD. But before I could do that, I helped orchestrate a wedding. There are oh-so-many stories I can tell about that one. One story: "Charise Forgets to Make a Copy of the Wedding Certificate--Havoc Ensues." I miss working at the church. I miss the scary attic that makes bumping sounds, I miss the smell of the courtyard, I miss taking walks to the Pier with Katherine, I miss Catalina Coffeehouse "my kingdom for a cup of coffee" chat, I miss feeling like I'm doing something really worthwhile. I miss feeling awake.

Well, I think that about brings everything up to speed. Did someone say speed? Baby speed? Give me a hit of that chubby shit!

Love you all,



At 9/05/2006 8:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you get another Teague fix soon- and when you do, you girls better give me a call so we can hang out!
Ps my mind is too muddled to even try to guess what the boys are reading....can't wait to find out though!

At 9/06/2006 7:59 AM, Blogger Porter said...

Hmm...fourth grade you say? I'm gonna guess Ulysses by James Joyce. No? Close?

I'm glad you're planning on getting back into a day-to-day blogging groove. The blogosphere has missed Motherhussy.

At 9/06/2006 11:19 AM, Blogger peppermintlisa said...

motherhussy, i've missed you! (well, your blog-self, as I've never met you in person before).

At 9/06/2006 7:24 PM, Blogger Kate said...

Oh damnity damn...I meant LEMONY SNICKET. I guess that gives away my preference on those books.

At 9/07/2006 9:33 PM, Blogger jez said...

oh, I have to goods. Pure baby speed at my house...only the best.

At 9/07/2006 10:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much would you charge me for a couple of ounces? I promise, I'll keep it on the downlow. I hear that fresh baby is in high demand these days, what with border security tightening up and all.

At 9/08/2006 10:10 AM, Blogger Moonery said...

This is my story.

I didn't think I was hurting anyone. I mean, it was just a little baby right? It isn't like I was into the hard stuff...toddlers and adolescants. How could a little baby do any harm right? Well, pretty soon I was craving sweet, sweet baby all the time. I thought, I just need to tickle their toes, listen to one laugh or even change their diaper. It was never enough. I wanted to hold and rock a soft baby in my arms and coo at it all the time. Pretty soon my work began to suffer. I couldn't concentrate on anything. All I could think about was where my next hit was coming from. My family expressed concern, but i had already begun pulling away from them. Finally, I admitted I had a problem.


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