Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Motherhussy Learns It's Hip To Be Square...or Knit a Square

This blogette is for all of you who knew me in my teens, my high school years, and my early twenties. This post is for all of you who have been witness to my wild character, my reckless nature, my willful wantonness. This post is for anyone who has smoked with me, drank with me, or done psychedelics with me (I've never really done psychedelics, honest). You officially don't know me anymore. My round, rock and/or roll curves have been replaced with four pointy right angles. That's right, I think I may have just officially become a square.

It was enough to be church secretary, wasn't it? Motherhussy working for God's right-hand chick. But no, I had to go and take it to the next level tonight--by learning to...get this...knit! I blame Katherine. Katherine made me do it. She sang to me her siren song of creating neat tidy rows of interlocking yarn out of one long, bundle of acrylic spaghetti. How could I resist? Of course, always one to give in to temptation, I didn't resist. After about an hour and a half of repeating "1, 2, 3, 4" over and over in my head like a nutty waltz instructor, I had done it. I had done the deed. The result, four rows of yarnie goodness. Yes, the product is amateur. There are holes where there ought not to be holes, and there are stitches where there shouldn't be stitches--but by damnit! I knitted!

Now, will you all please excuse me while I purchase at least one crack rock to smoke? To take the edge off. I can't imagine how difficult sleeping with all these points and edges may be--and I'm not about to find out.


At 7/20/2006 10:16 AM, Blogger Porter said...

I'll give you two crack rocks for the price of one. $200*, please.


At 7/20/2006 11:40 AM, Blogger Charisee310 said...

Knitting is cool Charisee.... it is sooooooothing!
And you can make baby stuff for Teague! (winter is a-comin and baby needs some sweaters and booties!)

At 7/20/2006 2:32 PM, Blogger jez said...

Ha! The idea of you knitting is "cracking" me up. It's almost like the idea of me being a *gulp* mother. What is happening to us? We used to be cool. Or at least we thought we were cool.

At 7/21/2006 7:24 AM, Blogger peppermintlisa said...

dear charise, knitting is no longer square. you can keep your curves. if you don't believe me, you can knit subversive items, then. like a cozy for your crack pipe.

At 7/21/2006 9:01 AM, Blogger David said...

Growing up is over-rated. I find myself in position near the other end of the spectrum from yours. I spent my teenage years and early twenties being serious and square, found myself someone's boss and paying a mortgage by 23.
Now I'm trying to figure out who it is I see in the mirror and what I can do about him.

At 7/22/2006 8:56 AM, Blogger Charisee310 said...

Suddenly I find myself in the mood to re-read The Picture of Dorian Grey again......

somebody stop me please.

At 7/22/2006 10:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No way! I love that of my favorite reads as a matter of fact.

At 7/22/2006 7:21 PM, Blogger Charisee310 said...

Wait until you pass 30! It stops being a favorite read and is a horrifying commentary on your own demise!
Suddenly YOU are Dorian, in a hall mirrors ... AND NO PAINTING IN THE ATTIC!!!

At 7/28/2006 9:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard monkey paws work very well for knitting and crocheting and the like.

At 7/30/2006 12:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Monkey PAWS! Talk about a flash back. Good thing I have a pair.


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